CiXi, China
Social dancing lined eight luxurious residential towers sit on high-end landscaped sites with a theme of seasons.
The living style with natural excellent breeze flow, natural daylight, and a cool-shading design, Front terrace/Rear terrace create spacious comfort and prestigious living quality similar to living in "single house" with front and back yard.
1. 28,300 m² (6.5 acres) site. Residential towers consist of Two towers (14-story, four units/floor), Two towers (18-story, two units/floor), Tow towers (21-story, two units/floor), and Two towers (24 stories, two units/floor), a total of 344 units, Total floor area of 56,000 m².
Double-deck Underground parking (400 cars) and services/mechanical, 14,000 m².
The total floor area of 70,000 m².
2. Common open space consists of the floating island of swimming pool on the lake, ponds, streams, Central Garden, Art Garden, Clubhouse, Kindergarten playground, and paths. Proposed Hillside ECO discovery park open to the public. Tower Residences can enjoy as back yard Hillside.